Apache Owners Manuals

Each picture below brings you to a new web page that contains the selected manual and includes a thumbnail picture of each manual page that can be clicked upon to show a close-up. So pick a manual and click away! If you have a manual you'd like to share, please send it to doug@apachepopups.com
Apache brochures can be found here.

Apache Manuals

63manual_p1_small.jpg (2855 bytes)

Apache Eagle Manual

1965 Apache Chief Instruction Book

Apache Chief
Owners Manual


1966 Apache Raven Instruction Book

Apache Raven
Instruction Book


Apache Mesa-Ramada
Setup Instructions


1969 Apache Service Manual

1969 Service Manual
(Loaded with info!)

1971 Mesa-Ramada Setup Instructions

Apache Mesa-Ramada
Setup Instructions


Complete Owner's Manual!
plus '73 Apache Eagle
Owners Manual


1974 Apache Owner's Manual


1975 Weights & Specifications

Apache Weights & Specifications

1976 Apache Owner's Manual

Apache Owner's Manual
(same as '75 & '77 except for weights)

Apache Owner's Manual

(Available in two formats)

lubrication practices

Recommended Practices for Lubricating & Adjusting Wheel Bearings

Apache Appliance Manuals

1980 3-way Elixer Absorption Refrigerator Manual
This manual is a 334K MS Word document. Very nice & detailed.
1980 Hydroflame furnace Manual
 This manual is a 115K MS Word document. Very nice & detailed.
Here's an older Hydroflame furnace manual.

APACHE CD: Apache CD loaded with all the pictures, manuals, brochures, and more. These are higher resolution pictures than are on the web site, plus many that didn't get posted due to space constraints. It is 869 files strong with 128 folders, 343+megs. I did some calculating and figured if the jpegs were uncompressed it would be 3 gigs worth of info. I am giving it away for free, just $5 to cover the blank, shipping, packing and wear and tear on the CDR. I will cut a deal on multiples sent to one address at one time. They are free to copy and distribute. It will continue to evolve as I learn more and get more. Please contact Paul Drescher at sensi3d@execpc.com

Other sources for information:

Many of the places listed on the Parts page still sell Apache manuals!


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